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Single-Use Mammalian Cell Culture Facility - Vial to Vial Image 1

Single-Use Mammalian Cell Culture Facility - Vial to Vial

Challenge from the Client

Our challenge was to design a biologics manufacturing launch facility within an existing shell & office building. Not only were we tasked with bringing new site utilities to the building, we also were limited by a low roof height, lightweight roof structure, and an existing building shape that was not conducive to both material and personnel movements.

Our Approach & Solution

This project codified the benefits of early conceptual design exploration. IPS analyzed the client's priorities, explored different building arrangements and through a series of high level reviews and designed a facility that met the capacity requirements and allowed for future expansion. Because the existing facility was undersized the team worked together to locate some utilities outside the building footprint and prioritized others to remain indoors.

The Results

This became a successful design-bid-build project where the construction moved along smoothly and the facility was up and running on schedule and budget. Midway through the project the client introduced a drug product requirement which included a small-scale isolated filling line which was included into the facility during the construction of the drug substance phase. Because of the favorable outcome, this client became a repeat-customer, one that we continue to work with on improving the campus and this facility.


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