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Fast-Track Project Delivery Model Image 1

Fast-Track Project Delivery Model

Challenge from the Client

A global manufacturer and distributor of the Ebola vaccine required an expansion of their existing facility from an annual output of 20 million liquid-filled vials and 7.5 million freeze-dried vials to 40 million liquid-filled vials and 8 million freeze-dried vials. This project extended our clients current business scope of operation to bring fill/finish operations in-house where it was subcontracted before. The project’s aggressive timeline had design to OQ being finished in 18 months.

Our Approach & Solution

The key to coordinating a fast-track project delivery is the level of ‘design assist’ received from good quality trade partners being on board at an early stage with a good level of in-house design skills.

The traditional approach saw the preliminary design reviewed and agreed upon with the client prior to progressing into the detail design stage. It is only after this stage that discussions with trade partners would commence. This would be the perfect model if there were no time pressures on a project & there was a strong emphasis on maintaining the project budget. Fixed price contracts could be implemented as the risk to change would be low.

Fast-track incorporates a more collaborative and autonomous approach, with subcontractors brought onto the project after the preliminary design to support a design-assist approach between contactors, clients & designers. Every project has elements of change due to the collaborative nature, however project managers need to work together to manage the “nice to have” to “necessity.” This approach lends itself to a time & material contract but requires strong management to maintain budget control, and agreed contingency levels in case of unforeseen changes.

The benefits of removing the bidding phase and team selection enabled the final design to be implemented by the subcontractors with IPS designers taking on a review and approval role. The IPS design team would only step in if the skill-set was not available within the subcontractor.

The construction phase started earlier as the subcontractors were involved during the design-assist phase, reducing the level of Technical Queries (TQ) as well as developing the design with a preferred buildability method. The design-assist method eliminated risk to the construction program by identifying long lead equipment items and ensured they are procured to meet the early construction phase start.

The Results

  • Successful completion of project, from design to OQ in 18 months
  • Autonomous design-assist approach
  • Early engagement with subcontractors being part of the design process and greater project knowledge
  • Reduced site technical queries
  • Earlier start to the construction phase with the fastest project delivery

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