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Mammalian Cell Culture to COVID-19 Vaccine Adjuvant in 3 ... Image 1

Mammalian Cell Culture to COVID-19 Vaccine Adjuvant in 3 weeks

Challenge from the Client

The initial scope of this project was to design new manufacturing suites for mammalian cell culture and purification, in two phases. Soon after the COVID-19 outbreak, our client entered into an agreement with an international vaccine development company and there was a quick shift in direction.

Our Approach & Solution

The client asked to redesign the ISO-7 cleanrooms to accommodate a new layout for new equipment intended for vaccine adjuvant manufacturing while maintaining the original design for an eventual return mammalian cell culture. This meant adding new utilities on top of previously existing phases 1 and 2 for mammalian cell culture, and now phase 3 with the new partner.

Our design team engaged quickly and collaborated efficiently to support our client from the initial concept, as defining the equipment list, up to the final construction drawing. Since the project was so fast-paced, most of the equipment used had to be shipped to the United States from existing facilities across the globe. This meant different power requirements and European units. Frequent changes from equipment availability and LT changes required almost daily communication and a continuous uninterrupted flow of information between all project stakeholders.

The Results

IPS delivered the drawings within three short weeks. Starting from a kick-off meeting with the client and defining equipment layout, to issuing drawings to the builder. Additionally, we worked with the local government to ensure permits were updated maintained. The client was very happy with the performance of the IPS team and this project served as an example that IPS is fully capable deliver complex projects within promised constraints.


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