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Large-Scale Bulk Manufacturing Facility Image 1

Large-Scale Bulk Manufacturing Facility

Challenge from the Client

The goal of the project was to construct a new greenfield facility for the manufacturing of bulk biologics utilizing Monoclonal Antibodies with single-use technology. The scale of the project is one of the biggest in the world not just in size, but in the volume of product it is able to produce. Three production suites were designed with two dedicated to perfusion (continuous) manufacturing and one dedicated to fed batch production. Other project requirements included a high density warehouse, Buffer preparation and hold areas, a full QC lab and administrative building, and a central utilities building.  

Our Approach & Solution

The project timeline was extremely aggressive. Utilizing BIM technology we were able to communicate and coordinate our ideas and concepts for the building clearly and quickly. Teams from the US, Ireland, England, Shanghai and India all worked together on a very complex REVIT model.  

The Results

Less than a year from the project kick off meeting with nothing on paper, the first building steel columns were being erected. The Knowledge, Skill and Passion of all of our IPS project team across the globe went into making one of the world’s largest manufacturing sites a reality.  


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