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Science & Technology
Science & Technology

Our architects and engineers have developed knowledge and expertise in designing highly complex and technical spaces for the science and technology sector. The key to designing and executing a successful science and technology project is an ability to understand the various building systems, their integration, and their intricacies. Building technology and research platforms are constantly changing. IPS has a strong culture of learning, professional development, and innovation. This habit and skill set within our subject matter experts enables us to propose successful, cutting-edge design concepts for science and technology facilities.

We understand how BSL-2 labs for a CRO is different from a research lab for universities. We have experience in designing BSL-3 labs as well as vivariums with ABSL and BSL-Ag classifications, for a variety of species and containment levels. We have designed clinical spaces along with clinical research facilities. We have designed spaces for the technical departments for research universities.

The labs, research universities and clinical facilities, though very technical in nature, are occupied by a large number of people for extended periods. Therefore, architectural aspects of these facilities are just as critical. Having all disciplines under one roof enables us to create fully integrated design solutions.

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