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Cell and Gene Therapy
Cell and Gene Therapy

IPS Cell and Gene Therapy Expertise
IPS Cell and Gene Therapy Expertise

We provide cell and gene therapy consulting to our clients to design facilities with a high level of flexibility to support emerging product pipelines. We rely on our decades of experience in cell culture, single-use systems, and process design to deliver advanced-therapy medicinal product facilities. These facilities support our clients' clinical and commercial production capabilities for their long-term goals as well as protect against significant capital investment to reconfigure. Our designs have worked with both stick built build-outs of existing spaces and iCON delivery approaches. 

Cell and Gene Therapy Specialties

  • Therapeutic Proteins

    Using our expertise at the cellular level of biotechnology, we plan and engineer areas for our clients to manipulate DNA and gain maximum value from their research.

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  • Vaccines

    We deliver compliant solutions for our clients’ vaccine needs. From formulation to serialization, we speed time to market.

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We use our expertise in ADC and mAb manufacturing to produce facilities from start-up to large-scale commercial.
We have the knowledge to create CGMP compliant and scaleable facilities. We have designed facilities to seed, scale up, harvest and purify cell culture products that utilize 100% single-use systems, up to the 20,000L scale.

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