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Women in Pharma: Breaking the Glass Ceiling


Women in Pharma: Breaking the Glass Ceiling

In all industries, there is a lack of women in leadership positions, including the pharma industry.  

If we look at healthcare; around 80 percent of the workforce is female, with nursing roles, in particular, being dominated by women. However, only 26 percent of C-suite positions in healthcare are held by women (with women of color lagging even further behind than white women).

And then in Silicon Valley companies, women hold only around 11 percent of executive positions. 

So there isn’t a question of IF there is a glass ceiling for women. We know that this does exist. The question is, what do we do about it? Watch the discussion below. Featuring:

  • Paula Casalino
  • Melissa Berquist from Resilience
  • Sarah Odeh from Women in Bio


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