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AAPI Heritage Month - Advancing Leaders Through Opportunity

Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2023

AAPI Heritage Month - Advancing Leaders Through Opportunity

May is a time to celebrate the rich cultures and traditions of the AAPI community. We interviewed Komal Hatti and Sagar Patel to learn more about their unique journeys. We are proud to celebrate this month and recognize this community’s contributions.

Komal Hatti

What are some of the major obstacles you encounter as a leader in your industry, and what do you find most rewarding about your work?
I live in Kansas City, where Asians are minorities, more so than at the coasts or other tech hubs such as Texas and RTP. As such, when I was a younger professional, I had to outperform others to get noticed. There was definitely a glass ceiling that I did not see as an idealistic young professional. However, as I have kept advancing myself, learning, and Americanizing, I do not encounter that type of discrimination anymore. Over time, I have learned that some folks will simply not take you seriously and you need to find a place where you will thrive based purely on your talent. I am very fortunate to have found that place and community within IPS. Despite encountering earlier hardships of being an immigrant, I would have never found the opportunities to work on such complex projects with some of the smartest people in the industry had I not moved to the US. Creativity, both technical and aesthetic, as well as interaction with intellectually stimulating peers, is the most rewarding aspect of my work.

As a leader, how do you ensure that AAPI voices are heard and represented in your organization or community?
US is a land of opportunity. Asians overall have done very well, including acquiring leadership roles in our respective organizations. It is time for us to give back to the community at large by getting involved at the grassroots level. Anything we can do to improve others less fortunate will help us become a more integrated and integral part of the US society. Whether it is by helping kids in our neighborhood with Math or volunteering at Habitat for Humanity.

What advice would you give young professionals just starting out in their careers and looking to advance to leadership positions?
Be aggressive. Don’t be afraid of change and failure. Being an immigrant and a minority is hard. Instead of feeling bad about it, be proud of overcoming your insecurities and becoming a professional. Follow your instinct, if you think you are not being treated fairly in projects or promotions you get, don’t be afraid to ask for more. If you don’t get them, don’t waste time. Seek a place where your talents will be appreciated.

Can you share about someone who has greatly inspired you and the reasons why they have had such an impact on your life?
I could name several but Jason Collins stands out as a leader. I moved to IPS from a non-GMP background. He not only gave me the opportunity to learn by doing GMP projects, he created a system in place that ensured my success. He continues to open doors and at the same time, provides support to make sure I succeed in new adventures. He has also created a great group of process architects where I can find my community and speak freely. I would not have been able to do so much in such a little time in IPS had it not been for his thoughtful leadership of our group.

Sagar Patel

What are some of the major obstacles you encounter as a leader in your industry, and what do you find most rewarding about your work?
Some of the major obstacles that I encountered in my industry include: 

  1. Competition: The business environment is highly competitive, and as a leader, I need to stay ahead of their competitors to remain successful. Make sure clients are happy with our job and team.
  2. Innovation: The pace of technological change is accelerating, and we need to be able to innovate and adapt quickly to stay relevant whenever needed.
  3. Talents: Finding and retaining top talent is a major challenge for my industries, and I usually am there for the team to show them appreciation and attempt to retain the best people to help IPS succeed.

In terms of rewards, leadership can be very fulfilling in many ways. Some of the most rewarding aspects of leadership include: 

  1. Making a positive impact: I have the opportunity to make a positive impact on client organizations, their employees, and the world around them.
  2. Personal growth: Leadership roles through IPS provides opportunities for personal growth and development as leaders learn new skills and take on new challenges.
  3. Building relationships: Throughout different clients, I have the opportunity to build strong relationships with their employees and stakeholders, which can be very rewarding both personally and professionally.
  4. Creating a legacy: As a leader, I have the chance to create a lasting legacy by providing successful implementation of projects and IPS services that continue to thrive long after they have moved on to clients and help them get better at what they do.

What advice would you give young professionals just starting out in their careers and looking to advance to leadership positions?
Seek out mentorship: Finding a mentor with experience in your field or industry can be a valuable resource as you navigate your career path. A mentor can provide guidance, support, and advice as you work to develop your skills and advance in your career.

Develop a growth mindset: Successful leaders are always learning and growing. Cultivate a growth mindset by seeking out opportunities to learn new skills, take on new challenges, and embrace failure as a learning opportunity. Remember you’ll never fail, you either learn or win. Be a team player: Leadership is about more than just being in charge. It's about working collaboratively with others to achieve a shared goal. Develop your teamwork skills by actively seeking out opportunities to collaborate with others and demonstrating your ability to work well with others.

Communicate effectively: Effective communication is essential for leadership success. Develop your communication skills by practicing active listening, learning to communicate clearly and concisely, and being mindful of your body language and tone of voice.

Embrace diversity and inclusivity: In today's globalized world, diversity and inclusivity are essential for success. Embrace diversity by seeking out opportunities to work with people from different backgrounds and cultures and actively promoting inclusivity in your workplace or community.

Can you share about someone who has greatly inspired you and the reasons why they have had such an impact on your life?
There are many leaders who have impacted on my life and I follow them and their leadership style, however, I immensely inspired by Indra Nooyi. Nooyi is an Indian American business executive who served as the CEO of PepsiCo for 12 years. She is widely regarded as one of the most powerful women in the world and is known for her leadership style, which emphasizes the importance of diversity, sustainability, and corporate responsibility. She has been known for her strong commitment to developing and promoting women and minorities in the workplace, as well as for her efforts to create a more sustainable and responsible business model. Hence, I am a first generation US immigrant and her story of immigrating to the US from India (like me) and rising to the top of one of the world's largest corporations serves as a testament to the power of hard work, resiliency, determination, and leadership.

As a leader, how could you ensure that AAPI voices are heard and represented in your organization or community?
As a group lead, there are several ways to ensure that AAPI voices are heard and represented at IPS by creating a culture of inclusivity, encouraging education and training (to help employees better understand the AAPI community, their culture, and contributions), promoting AAPI leadership, and encouraging AAPI participation. These all can help to provide a platform for their voices to be heard and ensure that their perspectives are taken into account when making important decisions at IPS. I think it is essential to take an active and intentional approach to promoting AAPI representation and inclusivity. By creating a culture of respect and providing opportunities for AAPI voices to be heard, leaders can help to foster a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace or community.

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