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Inceptioneering™ is an early stage planning process that helps organizations around the globe turn project ideas into business solutions, using a streamlined process to deliver a cost effective product. Our client-centric approach allows us to invest in long-term relationships, while most firms are focused on selling consulting and design hours. 

Using their experience and analytics from similar projects, our leading technical and subject matter experts work with organizations to quickly identify and define the project parameters, capital investment needs, and business objectives that will inspire investment and consensus among the project stakeholders. 

Inceptioneering is designed to fulfill any of the following business scenarios:

Business Scenerio IPS Inceptioneering Delivers
Compressed project timeline Fast turnaround of early stage planning results
Need to obtain and sustain stakeholder support Robust documentation and professional presentation materials
Want to maintain confidentiality within your organization Off-site containment of project details 
Budget constraints and minimal internal resources Budget friendly outsource for expert guidance
Business intelligence and resources exceed your organization's core competencies IPS Subject Matter Experts and multi-discipline team knowledge
Need to validate initial concepts and assumptions Objective expertise that challenges assumptions and aligns with business goals


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