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Medical Device Know-How

Challenge from the Client

A global maker of medical devices was planning a large-scale manufacturing expansion that was to double the size of the campus, leverage existing capabilities, and create a new and desirable working environment. High-speed tubing extrusion, injection molding and component assembly operations all were identified as candidates for a new state-of-the-art high throughput medical device manufacturing facility.

Our Approach & Solution

Starting with strategic master planning all the way through detailed construction documentation, the IPS team helped identify which types of products were in a growth pattern, found their manufacturing commonalities along with their proper adjacencies, and developed a comprehensive expansion plan that allowed a phased approach to construction while keeping existing operations up and running during construction. 

The Results

Our proposed design included large scale clean room manufacturing spaces, state of the art high speed manufacturing equipment and innovative work-in-progress vertical storage solutions allowing materials to be stored within the clean space while between unit operations. The design of the new 310,000sf facility, delivered on schedule and on budget, can expand each unit operation in the future. 


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