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Join John Lyons on the INTERPHEX Innovation Stage for his CRABS Case Study session. Development of a containment strategy to support aseptic filling of BSL-2 materials at commercial scale often requires reconciliation of a number of conflicting requirements and project objectives. This case study provides an overview of these conflicting requirements including cleanliness vs. containment, procedural vs. engineered controls, and operational expenditure vs. commercial constraints. Following, we establish the specific drivers for the particular project under review and explore the combination of standard and novel solutions implemented to achieve a balanced outcome which satisfies aseptic conditions, operator safety, and commercial success.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand high level environmental conditions required to support aseptic processing as well as conditions required to safety handle BSL-2 Materials.
  2. Gain understanding of aerosols generated during the dosing of liquid product into vials.
  3. Explore the standard technologies available to support aseptic conditions as well as containment as well as novel combinations to balance conflicting drivers.

Add John's session to your plan on the INTERPHEX website.


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