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A Commitment to Action

United Therapeutics: A Commitment to Action

A Commitment to Action

The origin of United Therapeutics is rooted in a parent’s love, a tireless mission to save lives, and a willingness to break convention to achieve this objective.

Dr. Martine Rothblatt, an American attorney, author, and founder of Sirius XM, learned in 1994 that her 7-year-old daughter had a life-threatening orphan disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). With no viable medicine on the market, Dr. Rothblatt took matters into her own hands and made it her life’s mission to find a lifesaving treatment.

pediatric neuroblastomaIn 2016, United Therapeutics started a new lifesaving mission – to extend its pediatric neuroblastoma product, Unituxin. Unituxin has proven effective in treating neuroblastoma in children, a rare form of cancer that forms on immature nerve cells. It typically occurs in children under the age of 5, and currently affects approximately 800 children per year in the United States, though this number is projected to grow.

The FDA granted Unituxin priority review and orphan product designation, the first treatment option for neuroblastoma to be given this designation. The opportunity to treat more pediatric patients with a more tolerable therapy, and give their families hope, made the decision an easy one for UT. When an empowered and unique organization commits to a humane cause and positive social impact, inspiring things can happen.

This positive social impact was a key driver behind the outstanding project execution, with phenomenal commitment from all team members to create ground-breaking new solutions to overcome the unusual challenges of the building's size, shape, and location. Everyone involved, including Montgomery County, Maryland officials, residents, and local construction partners, made an unprecedented effort to make this seemingly infeasible facility a reality in just three years.

IPS is proud to partner with United Therapeutics on their critical mission. IPS employees have an understanding that what they do matters and their work goes far beyond the corners of their desk. 

Learn more about Unituxin here:

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